The Balancing Act + A Chic-Comfy Work Outfit

As much as I want balance in my life I’m coming to terms that balance is an illusion. I don’t ever feel balanced and sometimes when people ask me how I do it all, I laugh because I don’t. I don’t do it all and I find it hard to believe any person is capable of “doing it all” while keeping at peace.

The art of balance. How do you ever balance it all?

Do you ever feel like something you buy or something you hear is finally going to help you find that perfect balance in your life? Do you ever wonder what it will require for you to finally feel like you’ve got it together? Have you ever felt like you just need to organize that one crap bucket just one more time and get your car cleaned and check off that to-do list and you’ll finally be done and you will have a moment of absolute balance for the first time in your life? I sure have and at this point in my mid 30’s, I’ve realized nothing is ever going to ever be truly balanced or perfect. I can keep trying but try as I might my children will inevitably need clean clothes again and I’ll have to replenish the toilet paper roll or refill my Rinse Aid in the dishwasher. Try as I might that perfect balance might never come. Oh, you’re welcome. I know that’s super helpful and you clicked on this post because you finally were going to get that peace and balanced feeling. I’m sorry sister. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. But maybe, just maybe, I’m the barer of BETTER news. Hear me out!

It’s so simple. You will feel safe, at home and balanced in perfect harmony when you go to heaven. You’re welcome. This earth is not our home and inevitably we will always have a sense of being homesick. Something just needs to change for me to finally feel that perfect balance and perfect peace. Now I know this might seem like a stretch for you to believe that at some point when you’re in heaven you will be in perfect peace, but it’s the truth. What we seek for on this earth is wanting to feel safe and peaceful and that is a way that God can point us to himself, take a look at this scripture from John 16:33  “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” The key to feeling balanced and peaceful isn’t in our outside circumstances but in our daily choice to focus our eyes on Jesus. so that when everything outside of us is out of our control and all we are left feeling is anxiousness and inner turmoil we can count on Jesus’s power to keep us at peace. Focusing on fear is no way to live and trust me I was the queen of anxiety and chaotic, worst-case scenario thinking!

I’ve recently discovered a way to feel balance and peace in the MIDST OF CHAOS! I have felt a sense of wellbeing and peace inside of me, just by doing these 3 things! I sure hope it helps you on your journey!

1.- Surrender to God, daily

I’ve surrendered the idea of perfect peace and being in control of my own life to God. I recognized that no matter how much I worry about something or someone I won’t be able to prevent suffering from happening. As much as my head wants to feel productive in the matter like my worry is doing something when I feel out of control, it’s really not. It just affects me negatively and impacts my closest relationships in a toxic manner. I don’t have control over what happens outside of me, so worrying and blame don’t fly in my brain anymore. Instead of giving in to worry, I say a prayer of surrender to God and I have seen a tremendous shift in how I feel!

2.- Choose peace and pray for peace; every day.

I don’t think this life will ever feel balanced or peaceful or safe. In fact, the more I live, the more suffering I see and experience as well as the suffering of others. This is a harsh environment we live in. Terrible things happen every day. Pain is assured. Loss is guaranteed. The struggle is real, for everyone. So what then? Do we just roll over and take it? I believe one of the BEST ways to choose peace is to ask God to supply it for the day and truly believe and enjoy it when it settles in our hearts and minds. See, I believe that God will not give us peace for any anxious thoughts that aren’t real. So if you’re wondering how in the world you would ever deal with (insert any trial ); Then you’re thinking of a fantasy where God won’t lavish his peace upon because it’s fabricated in your mind. However, if you are actually walking in a fire. If you’re actually going through a hardship in your real life, asking God for peace enables you to feel it at that moment.

3.- Memorize scripture that feels good to your soul!

My dad just had a brain hemorrhage and in the last two weeks, I thought I was going to lose my father. He now has been diagnosed with brain cancer and we don’t know if he has a few weeks to live or a few years to live. Not knowing has me wanting to focus on worry and fear, but I’ve been meditating on this verse instead. It’s from Isaiah 54:10

Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed,
yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken
 nor my covenant of peace be removed,”says the Lord, who has compassion on you.

The balance, peace, and calm of God has my heart feeling so good. IT is medicine to my bones. I almost feel weird that I don’t feel anxious. It’s strange. I feel feels unproductive. The peace of God that is actually in my heart and my mind feel supernatural but I guess that’s what a God that is sovereign and can do all things can bring when we give him our worries and he gives us the power to walk through any difficulty holding us by the hand!

I pray for whatever you’re facing right now. That you’d give the chance to God to give you peace for today! I love you. See you next week, God willing!




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