Entering A Time Of Reflexion

Hello beloved friend. I am running so fast these days my legs have gotten tired. I've decided to stop for a minute before I get higher to pause and reflect on all that God has done. I have ran and ran and ran forward for so long that my feet have gotten calloused and I need a little time.  A pause to think of why I started. My heart is healing. My soul is singing. I'm learning how to take it all in. My dreams are now reality in many aspects and it feels as if I were dreaming. I need to take a breather and think of where I want to go. Somedays have been so hard I can't even let you know the depths of heartbreak I've had to know. But some days have been a little glimpse of heaven this I know! The journey has been worth it for I know myself and God more! But right now, I need a breath so I can know why it is that I started. So many dreams fulfilled and I can tell you this, nothing fills other than HIS mightiness. Nothing fills: no "title", no accomplishment is able to fill the only way Christ can. So I need to take a minute to sink into his grace. I'm learning. I'm growing. It's all in the knowing who I am in God. But my heart needs a minute to sit back and just relax. I'll be back in no time. You can count on that. I want to bring good value to your life and I can't do that unless I first get what I ultimately offer, a little piece of the comfort I have found in Christ.   I love you and I'll see you very soon. 


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