Libier Reynolds

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For As A Woman Thinketh In Her Heart, So Is She

Good morning and happy Monday, my beloved friend! If it's your first time here, welcome! I extend the warmest and asphyxiating (non-threatening) hug to you this morning! If you're a returning lovie, I extend a double hug! Thank you for coming back.

Do you know I love you!? Do you know I love your brains? My brains, your brains, my neighbor,'s brains, my dogs! They truly fascinate me, I guess that's why I want to be a neurosurgeon. Nope, just kidding, I've only ever wanted to be an actress, but I could  play one on T.V. for sure, along with a detective (dream roles right there)!!  Even though God did not create me to operate on anyone's brain, he created me with a curiosity, turned into a passion for learning about my brain and how it works.  What I've experienced is -Our brain is connected to EVERYTHING! Our brains believe our thoughts, which become our truth, which affects the way we feel and how we behave. This truth could've come from people that had a horrible "truth" of themselves and now it's ours. Do you want to keep that horrible truth that isn't really yours? Or do you want to reprogram it to match what your Heavenly Father thinks of you? I believe if you're here, you might want the latter.  Well, get some tea sister cuz this is a longin! 

Listen, I know you're thinking who is she to tell me how to think? I'm no one of more importance than you. I'm not presuming I have all the answers. I never will. You can take my words only with a grain of salt because they are full of my skewed view point and it's only through my experience that I've seen life. I don't have the credentials to "make" you believe me. However, I do believe God in heaven knows what he is talking about in his word, and if he can use a donkey to talk to others, he can use this vessel he is humbling daily, to shed some light to you on your journey.  I do believe 100% that when you ask God in prayer to help you understand yourself and know him better, he ALWAYS will! We can fail him, doll, but he will never fail us! Hallelujah!  Only HE can help you and I fight our very personal and unique battle like Princess Warriors! I  know you like that term, I don't believe you'd be here if you aren't a warrior! A resilient woman who is going to fight for her freedom. I know you are ready for a change, if you're still reading this, I believe that you want to know God for yourself and yourself better. Question is, what's our Princess Warrior outfit gonna look like!? Just kidding, more on style this Friday! 

What I am respectfully suggesting to you is the concept that we are responsible for the thoughts in our minds, and those thoughts affect EVERYTHING about our lives, health, relationships (with people and ourselves), outcomes, struggles, fears..... yaddi, yaddi, yadda! I believe 100% that the biggest battle we face on earth, is the battle of how we think and the distractions that limit us from doing the work necessary to get our minds "worked-out" !  I believe a lot of us don't live the lives we imagine, because we don't know how much our thinking and negative speaking is affecting us! And when we do find out, we don't take our mental health seriously. Hey, I'm totally preaching to myself here. I am #1 in need of this message today. Our belief that only a few need to work on their brains is making all us sick with anxiety, depression, low-self esteem... among other issues we face. You are not alone and there NO SHAME in wanting your brains to be in shape! Come on, so much energy is spent working on our BUTTS that we miss out on a gorgeous opportunity to be the very best, most-authentic-self we can be, from the INSIDE out! Let me tell sister in case you don't realize, out butts are gonna get saggy no matter what. But our spirit, our personal legacy, our brains will not fade! How we loved ourselves and others will not fade!

What you do on this earth and how you leave it, is HUGELY related to believing God created you for a purpose only YOU can fulfill, and if you think you're insignificant, the truth within you is FALSE. If you think that how you live your life matters, think again. Someone is ALWAYS watching and modeling after you.  It's so easy to be negative. It's so easy to fall back into a victim mentality, it's so easy to follow those old patterns of thinking. It DIFFICULT to put in the work! iT IS PAINFUL! But ladies, we must! For our sakes, and for generations to come! It's imperative we wake up and start taking our thought life seriously! "I believe we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us." Philippians 4:13 

Okay, hear me out, tho!  2  Corinthians 10:5 goes a little like this, "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."  What are the arguments it's talking about? Perhaps the arguments we have within us waging war between who someone said we are and who God claims that we are. I bet if you've lived even just one day on this earth, something awful has been said to you, about YOU! If people have ever told you you're dumb, that's not true. If they've called you ugly, that's wrong! If anyone has called you a whore, that's not true, if anyone has told you, you are not enough, FALSE. If anyone has made you believe you're good for nothing, not true! Whatever poison from another's insecurities has EVER entered your spirit and now runs rampant in your mind is an argument (LISTEN, the argument is coming from THEIR internal poison, YOU DON'T NEED TO KEEP IT)- a pretension (a claim or the assertion of a claim to something ((your worth or value perhaps?)) all those thoughts that you've made your truth because you haven't released them to God, are creating your reality as we speak. It's not enough to discover the old, it's imperative you take it CAPTIVE and replace it with the truth (which is the word of God)!  I say this in the most tender way, not thinking I know anything above you, just speaking from broken experience having let my thought life run wild for so long and believing the lies about who people said I was when they were drunk, or when they were angry at their life. Hurt people hurt. We all say things we mean for ourselves. Nothing directed at us holds our value.  It is in Christ and nothing and no one can take it away. You are precious and valuable. Worthy of the love of God because Jesus gave his life for you beautiful girl. He claimed you as his and he died that you wouldn't have to live in shame, fear, or doubt. He died so you could be free to be yourself as God created you.

All this wisdom I have found in the word of God! God wants to claim you, princess. He is calling you to know who you really are to him. Only you and God can figure that out as you build or strengthen your relationship with him.  

I want to lovingly suggest to you that you begin new thoughts about yourself. Here are some of my favorite personal examples that have helped me so much! I pray these wash over you with God's healing balm and they heal the broken places in your soul. That they might minister to your thirsty heart for TRUTH, LOVE AND ACCEPTANCE. 


OLDIE -NOT GOODIE: I am all alone - NEW THOUGHT:  "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10 

OLDIE -NOT GOODIE: I am an orphan OR  I've never sound mother or fatherly love - NEW THOUGHT: "Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me." Psalm 27:10

OLDIE -NOT GOODIE: I am not good enough  - NEW THOUGHT: "Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows."  Luke 12:6-7

OLDIE -NOT GOODIE: I am too messed up - NEW THOUGHT: "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3  "But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8

OLDIE -NOT GOODIE: There is nothing special about me, I have nothing to give.  - NEW THOUGHT: "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." Psalm 139:13-14

OLDIE -NOT GOODIE: My past has been awful, nothing good can come to me - NEW THOUGHT: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

OLDIE -NOT GOODIE:  I need to keep a perfect record in order for God to love me. If I mess up, he won't take me back. - NEW THOUGHT: "He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit,"  Titus 3:5  This one is a HUGE one for many, I believe we get tricked into feeling like we can gain our salvation or the love of our God.

He has always loved us and will continue whether we allow him to or not. He loves us through our sin because he paid the ultimate price for you and I. He is a kind and loving father who gives us a treasure we can carry around securely because we can't gain it or lose it no matter how stupid we behave (myself VERY included). There is always and forever more the opportunity to run back to the arms of Jesus. How comforting is this!? How comforting it is to hear this for all of us. We all fall short, we all make mistakes, we all fail. He, however, does not. He won't fail you, or me, darling. You needn't be afraid. 

I lvoe you I hope you have a gorgeous week! 

With love and respect, 
