Inspiration To Follow Your Dreams

Good morning my beloved friend. Happy beginning of Spring! Here are the words I'd love to encourage you with.

You ARE the right girl for the job. You are in the RIGHT place, right now, for your calling. You HAVE all you need to start. You KNOW everyone you need to know to go where you need to go. Be faithful in where you are now, trust that God has your back and will KEEP you and move forward. Take one step today. Don't worry about the whole staircase for it will appear as your faith grows literally as you STEP out in faith not before. Step out, God won't fail you. You might fail him, sister, you'll probably fail daily, but he, my dear one. WILL NEVER FAIL YOU. Never. So take the step you need to today. One step in the right direction is better than none. 

Love // Libier


Change Your Marriage In One Day


For As A Woman Thinketh In Her Heart, So Is She