Party Outfit: From Day to Night

Hey, you. It's almost December. What? How did that happen? You guys, I feel like I'm on a speed up time machine. What in the world? Did this year go by fast or slow for you? Man, I wish I could read your mind so we could telepathically talk through this screen! 

Set your party outfit up for executive success by pairing it with a blazer for the morning and taking it off for your night work Holiday party! Adding cute tights to the mix helps you keep warm and adds an elegant element to your style! 

White Button Up Shirt: similar (HERE
Long Blazer:  similar (HERE) &  (HERE
Hot Pink Skirt: similar  (HERE)  
Black Ankle Boots: similar (HERE
Black Cross Body Bag: similar  (HERE

**Remember you don't NEED to have what I do to look beautiful. You probably can do this look with things already from your wardrobe, these are just guidelines to help you find your OWN style that works for you and your budget. 

Perfection, shmefection friends. Let us not be bound by something that is unattainable. It robs us of joy and grace and it is the very reason why we are SOOOOOOO hard on ourselves. I believe the way I am robbed most days of the joy and peace God so readily gives me, is my strive for perfection. Before it used to be my physical perfection that got me into all sorts of trouble, from a very skewed self-perception to self-hatred and bulimia. God has healed A LOT of those symptoms from searching for perfection in my physical body, and I am forever grateful. He took a girl with the lowest self-esteem and he has restored me in such a loving way that I am now confident in who I am, not because of my own merit, but because through my healing I got to know God in such an intimate way that I KNOW he made me in His image and he doesn't make junk! I love myself now, I KNOW who I am and I am confident in who God made me for in my weakness His power and strength are shown!  

Now, I'm battling it in my inner spirit. I strive for perfection in my relationship with God and in my walk on this earth. I feel as though I should ACT perfectly in every situation. And then I fail royally and feel all sort of shame and guilt. Then I'm reminded that I am LOVED NO MATTER WHAT. I'm reminded that it's because of that HUGE sacrifice Jesus did for me, he died that I might have life and live it ABUNDANTLY and  I DON'T have to remain in my guilt and shame and pursuit of the unattainable perfection in all areas of my life. I can rest in knowing that I fall short EVERYDAY, but He does not. God never runs dry or weary. His love remains. I can't even fathom that somedays. When I'm full of shame, I can look up to my daddy in heaven to heal the broken parts that are causing me to sin.  In the mean time, I will fix my eyes on heavenly things and have FAITH that I'm doing what I'm purposed for and that my life will matter at the end of the day. I will have faith that the best is yet to come!  LOVE, the best is yet to come for you too, God is a God of abundance, his promises are for all who believe! YOU matter. I love you! 


How To Deal With Shame | A Pop Of Red


Spice Up B&W Outfits