Falling In Love With Fall & The Ability To Slow Down
Photography by: Doug Reynolds/ Hair by: Victoria @Cuvee Salon & Spa
Some of my favorite memories were softly brought to my mind by the chill of the wind on my cheeks during my morning run. As the weather really starts to cool down and the nights start a little earlier, my hope is this; That my soul would turn down for this season.
We are meant to enjoy the every stage of the year and it’s not easy on the soul if we try to run at full sprint, like in the midst of an energetic Summer-morning, all the time. I believe we get each season to teach us something. Fall and Winter are my favorite because I do tend to run a little fast. I have a bend for over-achieving, can anyone else relate?! However, as I become more and more free to just be who I am and delight in the love I have in God, without striving; I am able to slow down. And I’ll tell you something, it feels, oh, so good! The Fall and Winter season gently remind me that I can slow down and I can rest and ponder and enjoy all this year brought to me! This season reminds me of goodness and gentleness. About the importance of giving and kindness toward others. It reminds me that this life (with all it’s pain and suffering) is amazing and fantastic, my hope is in Christ and that means this life is only the beginning of my journey! In a little while we’ll be dancing up a storm in Heaven rejoicing and being able to make sense of it all! I’m reminded that no pain is in vain. No experience wasted. No hardship not turned into a glorious display of the Power of God! This season, reminds me that we have a purpose and we do matter! You and I matter! Our lives on this tinny earth have an impact! You and I aren’t some afterthought. We've been made with care, love and purpose, every inch of us including our weaknesses and failures!! What we have been through is preparing a way for what God has in store for us! We get to rejoice because this is the season of celebrating the most exciting and important present we could ever receive! You my darling are a queen or a king in the sight of God and you have an inheritance of love, acceptance, worthiness and riches! You are fully known and fully loved! That’s something to rejoice over and celebrate!
Also in the style aspect of the season! Give me all the coats! All the coats, I tell ya!!! Guys, I’m OVERJOYED at the ability to layer my body in amazing coats! This one I just got and it’s on sale right now! If you’re looking for a great Plaid coat with the feeling of a sweater, this one is it! It such pretty Fall colors and it can be styled in so many ways with so many color combos! It has great big pockets and it’s under $100!! Definitely going to wear this much this Cold season! Thank you so much for joining me today! I love you and I pray you have a gorgeous week!!
What’s your favorite part of this Season?