Fall Outfit Ideas | 2017
Photography by Doug Reynolds
Preppy Classy
There is something so beautiful about a delicate blouse. The romantic essence of it allows it to pair excellently with most any other counterpart. Fall outfits ideas are making me feel elated right now! I love moments of style where you are transported to the woman you want to become. You know that one that you almost feel can't ever be reached. I believe there is beauty in all us women to share with the world and our highest and most authentic self is always calling us to jump in line with her. I love that for me putting on the right outfit makes her delighted! I also love that I'm learning she is only a compass. I will no longer let the illusion of the perfect me cause me to behave in self-harming ways. I'm learning love. I'm learning trust and acceptance of the flaws within me. We are enough in our mess and our delight. We are enough.
Dressing the way you want to feel is essential to knowing yourself a little further!
I believe clothes are an expression of ourselves. I've given myself three words to inspire my style. Shopping has become less overwhelming as these three words run through my mind. Classic, timeless and chic. I don't always get it right. I allow grace towards myself on the days when my words are more like; frazzled, frumpy and please take a shower! Our "ideal" self is an idea of our potential! Evolving to a new version of ourselves comes with many mistakes, triumphs, pain, and joy. But Is it worth it, wouldn't you agree? To be honest with you I don't know if we'll get to the "ideal" until we see our Heavenly Father. We have a gorgeous balance between complacency and self-improvement. So at the crossroads between frumpy and classic, I give myself permission to do my best at dressing the body I am gifted in the way that suits me best. My hope for you, my beloved friend, is that you'd feel confident in your own skin right now, this very second.
Do you know what your three "ideal" style words are? I would love to know. If you haven't thought of them, I kindly and respectfully suggest you explore the mental prep work before trying to get dressed or buy stuff. I bet it will give you an anchor and set you up for success in finding your very own and personal style! Just know whatever words you pick. You are enough even when you're not feeling like them!