Army Green Jumpsuit and Candy Pink Outfit
Photography by: Doug Reynolds
Beloved friend!!!!!!!!!!! My finger is tired from all the exclamation points! AH! I am so so so delighted to write to you! My heart is leaping with joy to be back. It’s been a miraculous Summer. Ups. Downs. All arounds; but we are here. How are you, friend? What was your Summer like? I wish you could tell me everything and if you’d like to share I’d love to hear on a comment below (I really do care about what you’ve been through) or you can connect with me on Instagram!! I’d love to hear about your Summer.
This first post is going to be super short and sweet because I have so much to tell you I can’t even put the pressure of doing that all in one post. Here’s me saying. I’m back! You can expect new posts on Monday’s, God willing, you can expect Wednesday a YouTube video and once every couple weeks a TV segment. I have one coming up on 9/4 11am on FOX 40! I’ll be sharing my favorite Women’s fragrances! I will also be leaving to New York this Friday and seeing what NYFW has for 2019 ! I. am. so. excited. So if you want to come with, make sure you follow me on instagram! I’ll be doing lots of stories!
Beloved, friend… I hope you know that you are right were you need to be right at this moment. If this is an easy season for you, rejoice, my beloved, I’m rejoicing with you. If this is a challenging one, as I am experiencing, don’t lose hope, friend!! Don’t lose hope. Here’s a verse my heart has been needing this whole Summer to help me to cling on to the hope only God can provide!! “No eye has seen no ear has heard no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9) No matter your season, God is faithful and the hope we find in him is enough and beyond to keep clinging on even when things seem to be falling apart. He is your hope and he will never let you go, be assured of this. You are in the palm of his hands!
Happy September!
I love you!