French Details For Your Winter Outfit

French Details For Your Winter Outfit

I think deep down inside I am French! I know I clearly was born in Mexico. I clearly speak Spanish as my first language. I cleeearly live in America; but for some reason, in my bones, there is A French Woman wanting to be expressed through style! I adore French women and their attention to detail.

My husband and I visited France last year in March, Paris in particular and it felt like home. The effortless yet sophisticated style captivated me. I felt like I was front row of a runway show as I perused the cobblestone streets of the gorgeous town! I will be honest; not everyone in Paris is dressed like they are in a Vogue Magazine, however, the eye sees what the mind looks for. So I totally spotted people wearing fantastic French Style! One thing I quickly learned was a common thread to all the styles I loved was; details mattered. Whether it was a hat or an amazing handbag or the shoes that tied the look together; French women really knew how to pay attention to the small details that made a huge impact on their look. I saw them wearing socks that paired so cute with their well-chosen heels. I saw textured leggings under dresses and skirts; it doesn’t seem like much but the tinny details on the hosiery gave a sophistication to the overall look. I saw women with scarves and jewels in their hair. Even seeing women add a bold lip color as their accessory, was something that I fell in love with in Paris. I already loved me a bold lip but this really sealed my love! I felt so alive and experienced fashion vibes like no other while visiting France. It’s like they had a blast getting ready in the morning. So I vowed to take these lessons learned and apply them to my everyday style. Even if I’m just having a day going to Target, I wanted to give myself permission to wear clothes that make me feel the very best of myself. I vowed to allow style to do for me what it has the power to do; give me a mindset of the woman that I’m becoming. To dress like the woman I want to be! I am so grateful I get to play with a feminine style that propels me to live an excellent life full of zest and gratitude.

I believe our style is a reflection of who we see ourselves. I am not coming from a place of judgment. Just from a place of understanding myself first and foremost. So this is just from a personal viewpoint. When I am in a place of feeling depressed or down, my intent is never to put myself in cute clothes. I want to hide and not show up as my best self. I want to wear baggy clothes that hide every part of me. So, if you’re in that place I pray for you, my love. I understand a little bit of where you are at. Please don’t ever take my words as criticism or judgment. I just know how powerful our minds can be and the power of wearing a great outfit it really does have an impact on how we behave. When we don’t feel our best we don’t want to look our best and it’s almost like a stance of victory to say, “Nope I know how I want to feel and this isn’t it, so I’m going to take care of you no matter what we are going through.” Yes, that’s me talking to myself. I have learned that becoming my own cheerleader has to be my number two priority. My first is to allow God to help me see myself as he sees me. And on the days where you just can’t deal with looking cute, that’s okay too. Trust me. I have many a day when my gym clothes are my real clothes because I just want to feel comfy and I don’t always wear makeup, I don’t always do my hair or wear cute clothes! But more often than not I do believe in dressing the part because I matter. And you matter too! I hope to encourage you to do your best. Progress over perfection. We’ve got this together!

I encourage you today to play with the accessories in your closet and give them a shot. The fun part is that you don’t have to walk out of the house with them on if you feel too out of your own style, but become curious and playful as you’re styling your look. Last night as I was getting my 6-year-old ready for a fancy dinner she was wearing a very down to earth (leggings and a very cute sweater outfit) but I had this gorgeous satin headband in a yummy maroon color with a big bow on the side and I asked if she’d like to wear it. I didn’t really think it would look good at first, but was made very wrong by how adorable just one little headpiece transformed her look! So here’s to the little details to your Winter outfits that will take it from just an outfit to a runway-worthy look! I believe in you, beloved friend, and the very best- most -authentic version of you, does too!

I love you so much have an amazing week!





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