To Everything There Is A Season | Burgundy & Jean

The bible says that to everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8) What if then this season is your season of pruning and grieving and healing through pain? What then if this season you are learning lessons to strengthen your character that are painful as heck!? What then if this is a Winter season where you feel bare like you have nothing left to give. What then if you feel like giving up. To those seasons that take your breath away because one breath was all you had left and you never imagined life being this hard. Even still beloved, stand. Stand and when you can, keep moving forward. Even in those moments. Stand and pray. Stand and believe in the God who promised you different. Believe in your promise more than you believe in the circumstances. Your breakthrough is just around the corner. Listen you were MADE for a time such as this. You are qualified by God to deal with even the hardest of climbs. You are here because God knows you are the one for the job even in the times where you feel the least prepared. It's through these moments that we can experience the presence of God like no other time. When you are drawing near to him in extreme conditions and he lovingly bends his ear to your prayers. He is not only walking this difficulty out with you but he is also delighting in the promise he's going to reveal soon to you. Don't give up. Stand. In this moment even if you can't take a step right this second. Just stand. You'll have the strength to move when you are ready. I believe in you and the best of you does too! You are a queen and were made for more! God will strengthen you and comfort you and HIS LOVE will make you whole. You have nothing to prove. You are beloved and enough. May this season, whatever it's like for you be one of love and joy! 




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