Mother's Day Gift Guide 2017 | Inspiration For An Excellent Gift
Hello and welcome to the best Mother's day gift guide of 2017! Ha! I think it's excellent because I asked a few of my "mom-friends" to help me come up with a list of gifts to inspire your Mother's day gifting! I loved that not one of them picked the same "wish list" item! Thank you girls for helping me out with this post, you truly bless my heart and I love you all so much!
I am so delighted you're here and I thank you for sharing this with anyone who might need a little, hint-hint.....
Alright, happy shopping!
The Sacramento Local | Nicolette
THE sweet and meaningful | TERESA
Photo by: Jasmine Wayne
Motherhood is perplex. It can be so many things to so many people, depending on what your experience is. There are mothers out there who aren't physical mothers, they are motherly to their local church or to the close people around them. There are mothers out there who have non-profits to help those without mothers. There are working mothers, stay-at-home mothers, aspiring mothers, soon-to-be mothers, single mothers, mothers who've lost their child, mothers who are scared to death to be mothers because they never had a healthy example of a mother. There are helicopter mothers, chill and relaxed mothers, new age mothers, nursing mothers. Organic & earthly conscious mothers. Whatever motherhood looks like on you, I would love to say thank you and Happy Mother's Day. You should celebrate yourself and give yourself a BIG HUG! You are doing it! It's freakin' HARD to be a mother. Motherhood is perplexing. It's wrapped in a myriad of gorgeous phases and seasons, joys and sorrows. Motherhood changes you to the core. It challenges and inspires or drives you to distract from the pain of not knowing how to deal. Motherhood can bring joy, oh the joy that enlarges your heart two sizes too big for your body. And all the while it can frustrate you and literally give you premature grays! All I fully know is, we aren't meant to be the same mother as the mothers we compare ourselves with. You are meant to be just YOU. I know that you are all ENOUGH, as is. So congratulations! I hope we can all learn to encourage one another in this journey but most of all, I hope you can say, "I am enough. I am the right person for this job. I can pray to ask for guidance and wisdom on how to rear my child in the way they should go. I can change what doesn't serve me and my family. I am responsible. Only I can choose to define what being a "good" mom is for me and my children and I will choose to believe I am an excellent mother!"
Love // Libier
Photography by: Lee Brown
Photography by: Doug Reynolds
See you soon!