Libier Reynolds

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If You Want To Quit, Read This

If You Want To Quit, Read This

I have taken a break from everything for a few weeks to run to the arms of Jesus. My heart was hurting so badly from my dad dying from Cancer. It’s been such a crazy season with COVID19 and isolation whilst grieving. The moment you think you can’t endure anymore, then bam another wave of intense crazy happens and you’re given more bad news. This has been one of the hardest seasons in humanity. I believe. We have all been affected somehow and the brush of pain in changing times has painted us all. From the injustice to Black Lives to murders and abuse of military women. Our country is in pain. Our country is in grief. Our country is transforming and we are all in need. My heart hurts and I feel like I can’t take any more bad news. And then it happens, more things are pilled to the “I knew this world was crazy” file of my mind.

Yet in all the chaos, the sovereignty of God and his endless mercy, have kept you and me. I am indeed writing this and you are indeed reading, aren’t we? The truth I’ve come to discover in me and in you and in God is that, “nothing is impossible with God.” (Luke 1:37) and “a bruised reed he will not break. ” (Isaiah 42:3) God is ever-present and more so now than ever his promise of peace is something I continue to throw myself towards each and every day. I am learning our spirits are resilient and we indeed can go through hell and back and stand up even taller than when it all began. The depths of pain are stilled by the depths of peace Jesus gives.

My prayer for you, friend, is that you’d search for the joy the Lord is giving you right now. It might seem hard to find but listen, there is a joy to have there is peace to feel and there is nothing that could ever pluck you from God's hands. So keep on going, don’t give up. Don’t give up on yourself or those you love or your dreams. God is preparing something for you that you wouldn’t ever have imagined. I promise, you have a promise. You have a purpose and even when it all seems hopeless, we have a LIVING HOPE in Jesus who knows how it feels to be afraid. To be lonely. Persecuted. Rejected and hurt. Betrayed and hated. He hasn’t left you alone, he is holding your by the hand. Don’t ever forget you were made for more. Dive into God’s heart; He alone can satisfy the deepest longings of your soul.