3 Tips To Help You Overcome Being Indecisive

art by Samantha

Beloved, friend. I am so happy you’re here. I have a treat for you today. Today’s wisdom is to help you when you’re fighting indecision in your life. Not being able to make decisions quickly and efficiently is hurting you more than you imagine. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard a woman say, “I don’t care.” after being asked a question of what she likes or wants: I would be richer than I am now.

Anndddd I became RICH the moment I allowed Jesus into my heart!!

I have found the freedom to know and BE me. All of me. Not pretending to be someone else so people would “like” me. The real me has many imperfections and I struggled feeling worthy or enough for love and connection. The one who had a hard time even having a voice. The one who felt ashamed of me and my past. Yep, that one. I realized that if I didn’t like myself then why would anyone else? I began a journey of discovery.

I kid you not being indecisive was ruining my life. My husband would ask me, “Honey what do you want for dinner?” I’d respond, “I don’t’ know, you pick.” Or He’d ask me, “Where would you like to go for our date?” I’d respond, “Um, I don’t care.” Many of my I don’t cares were seriously just a way for me to avoid actually picking anything. I truly didn’t know what I liked. I hadn’t really had the opportunity to show up for myself in the past so I had to go on a journey of discovery of myself: What is my favorite color? How do I like my steak? What is my favorite food? I did the three tips below and it has helped my life in more ways than you can imagine!

It is my mission in life to encourage you to be the best version of YOU and if you can’t decide what you want to eat today, or where you want to go on your date, or what show you want to watch on Netflix, or what color pot to buy for your plant. I can keep going if you need me to, but I think you’ve got the point. If you can’t make a small decision then your mind and yourself won’t make BIG ones either. Life is made up of little daily choices that when we look back strung together they made up the magic that is our life. Your magic moment is NOW.

This is the time to decide and take action. One of the reasons why you might be afraid to make decisions is that you might fear the rejection or criticism that comes with stepping out and being boldly YOU. But hear me out. You are capable of handling rejection and criticism. They are just a feeling in your body. They teach you and they make you stronger for other disappointments when they inevitably come. This life isn’t easy but you aren’t a delicate paper in the wind. You were created on purpose by a God so majestic who is holding your VERY RIGHT HAND.

And you are at liberty to be YOU. Your choices might not always be on point, but Jesus will always point you to a direction of growth even if you fail so hard it hurts. I’ve been there trust me. So many times I’ve fallen straight on my face, either emotionally or physically and the more I put myself out there in making small decisions for myself every day I can feel myself getting stronger and able to manage the disappointments of being rejected or ridiculed for my decisions far more quickly than I can say decisive! Trust me. If I can do it. So can you!

These three tips and steps have truly transformed my life in a HUGE way and they are tinny and simple and totally doable. As I’ve healed from a toxic relationship with myself, God, and others. As I’ve healed from trauma in my past. As I’ve healed from bulimia and low-self esteem. As I’ve healed from betrayal and broken trust, I’ve discovered freedom. And as I and the Lord have built new strong healthy boundaries. You can learn these too because they are small little habits you can change in your everyday life RIGHT NOW:

3 Tips To Help You Overcome Being Indecisive

  1. ASK GOD FOR HELP: How could God possibly help you? He is so interested in helping you with all aspects of your life especially the ones that help you see yourself and him better. And being decisive is something people with confidence do. Your confidence is in God. He will help you if you ask. So you can say each time you’re confronted by making a decision: “Jesus, I ask your Holy Spirit to guide my decision right now. I feel afraid to let someone down and I lay that at your feet and ask that you’d help me have the courage to be myself and to know myself. I pray you would help me with the circumstances of my choice as well. Guide me, Lord, I want to trust you.”

  2. START WITH ONE SMALL DECISION: Today I challenge you to make even the smallest of choices. If someone askes you what do you want to eat? Make a choice. If you’re wondering if you should do something that you’ve been putting off…. TAKE action. Do something to gain momentum TODAY, start with one decision. And make a vow to yourself that for the next 30 days anytime anyone asks your opinion, your thoughts about something, that you would answer.

  3. JOURNAL ABOUT YOUR LIKES AND DISLIKES: . Sometimes we’ve been so hurried to help others that we’ve lost sight of the person that we really are. We’ve been running around being a people-pleaser far too long that we don’t even know where to start knowing ourselves. Here are some questions below for you to discover yourself again. Trust me they sound trivial and small and something you’d ask a five-year-old, but go with me. If you start small with little things, you’ll start developing a relationship of trust with yourself. And you’ll end up opening up to yourself about bigger things. Remember what you’re trying to cultivate here is a sense of who you really are and the acceptance of YOU. Ultimately the goal is to become your own best friend regardless of your flaws.

    A bonus tip: Know that nothing is perfect and you shouldn’t hold yourself to an expectation of perfection either. Be gentle and compassionate and curious over yourself rather than harsh, critical, and judgmental. This, like anything else, takes practice. You have the opportunity to change your thoughts about who you are. It takes practice but you can change the way you think, and by doing so you’ll change the way you feel and then soon the way you act!


  • What is my favorite color?

  • How do I like my eggs?

  • Do I love sunrise or sunset?

  • If I had a day all to myself with no worries /time/money constraints what would I love to do to have fun?

  • What are my top five favorite movies that have reached my heart?

  • When I hear music I……

  • Coffee or tea?

  • If someone gave me the best presents on my birthday what might those be?

  • What is something that makes me really angry?

  • What is something that makes me feel peaceful?

  • How do I respond to rejection and what does God say about it?

    Listen, friend. You are on your way to making decisions and being decisive in your life. If you continue to practice these small things you’ll be on to making bigger decisions for your life. I believe in you, love, and Jesus, and the very best of you do as well!


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