They Can't Make You Quit | Encouragement For Today

Encouragement For Your Week

Darling, happy Monday! 

Here's my encouragement for you today: They can't make you quit!

You're on a journey.

You might be at the very start where things feel scary and uncertain. Where you feel like you are ready for more, but not quite sure of how to begin. Or you might be on the cusp of your Promised Land at the very last stretch of that goal you set for yourself maybe a little tired and weary and need much encouragement!   Or you might be in the middle of the road where nothing seems familiar, you jumped and now you aren't where you used to be but feel like there's so much to be done to find traction. You've gone far enough that you don't want to go back and not long enough that you're encouraged by the result.

Wherever you are on your journey, know this:

They can't make you quit.

You can be rejected 107 times but all it takes is the 108 to say yes. You might be discouraged by an unkind word, but know they are speaking about their own limitations, not your God given potential. They might knock you off with a setback, but rest assured God is a master at positioning us for a comeback after a storm! (Read Romans 8:28) Claim it out loud into your life! He works all things together!  Have a little cry and choose to get back up again.

I tell you this, my love, they can't make you quit on yourself.  Wake up today and take one little step further. You are making progress. Slow and steady wins the race!  Commit to hours of self-improvement, they don't have power over how much time you spend wielding those weapons you have. They can discourage you, they can condemn you, they can laugh at you, they can reject you, they can cause you to trip. But darling, they can't make you quit. You don't quit. You can't quit. You won't quit.  You will press on and find out that all that is inside of you has value before it is ever recognized by anyone else. Darlin, you are already successful. You can choose to already enjoy the blessings of your Harvest! Getting there won't make you "happy" You have to choose to be content today, here and now! Jesus is the reason we can be content in all things. (Philippians 4:12)  thank God it doesn't depend on our performance! Glory be to God. 

Friend, the one who knows you by name is behind you. He will never give up on you! "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." (Deuteronomy 31:6) 


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