Libier Reynolds

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Expect Miracles In Your Life

Photo by: Sadie Dunaway

Expect Miracles.

It's easy to see devastation, pain, and suffering of this world.  I don't know what last week was like for you but I am guessing there were trials through it, whether you allowed people to see you were struggling or not, I know there must be something you're dealing with internally or externally that is a difficult circumstance. There are days where we get news we never expected. Days when we question if our lives on earth matters. Days where you would rather not get out of bed. Days where you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders. Overcommitment and responsibility choking out the joy and fun of your life. Pain from an illness you've prayed for and somehow God is choosing to let it remain. There's resentment and guilt that battles within.

Life for me changed when I stopped resisting the difficulties. We need both to grow! 

However, in the midst of all these hardships, we can expect God to move mountains. There is hope, my friends!  We can be expectant to see God move.  Praying for a miracle sometimes feels like the pressure is on us.  Do we have the right amount of faith? Are we "right" with God? It's not about that! He is enough! We must lift our eyes to the one who spoke this world into existence and give him the place he deserves in our hearts and minds for it is all about his power! In him, we can expect big things. We will not be disappointed!  I think the expectancy of a miracle can be scary sometimes because we feel like who are we to be the recipient of such a gift. I'll tell you who you are, you are a son or daughter of a King! Romans 8: 17 reads this:  "Now if we are children, then we are heirs--heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory."  So be expectant of miracles, love. God wants the highest and best for you! 

Glorious riches are waiting for you today. Will you be expectant that God will do the impossible in your life!? "Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26) 

Love // Libier