Libier Reynolds

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Ephesians 3:20 | Encouragement For Today

 Be Encouraged By Ephesians 3:20 

Beloved friend. I don't know where you find yourself at today but this I do know; God can do abundantly beyond all that you can think! His words tell us, "Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us," (Ephesians 3:20) loves us. We can trust in God. We might not always like the process but we can trust the designer of the process! He always wants the highest and the best for you and above all he just wants your heart! 

You might be in a season of pruning right now, where everything feels out of whack. You might be in a drought season right now where you feel parched and tired and ready to give up. You might be in a season of abundance that has you questioning how to receive. No matter where you're at today, know this. God will never leave your side he's got you by the right hand doing this thing with you no matter who else in your life might not be!  He is rejoicing when you rejoice and grieving with you when you're going through it! He's with you in all seasons.

This life is the pre-show of the perfection we'll be able to enjoy in Heaven. I always have to remind myself that this is not my home and that today, even if it's an amazing day, will not be perfect! We will experience feelings of dissatisfaction and disappointment because we were designed to be in heaven and our little corazoncitos are yearning for that. My hope for you is this, that you'd walk today knowing the best is yet to come. What you focus on will dictate how you feel. Even if you're going through the hardest season of all your life, the joy and hope of a better future will hold you together! There is so much hope, take it from me, God is alive and well in very much wants to love us, heal us, help us, transform us into who He made us and show us who we are in him! He can give us beauty for our ashes. Go look at Isaiah 61:3! 

Love // Libier