Crushing Your Goals, God's Way

Are you with me right now? Picture yourself in your New Years Outfit, a new year will ring in a few seconds, the countdown is electrifying. A new beginning. A fresh start. Even though nothing changes but a page turn of the calendar, everything COULD change, if you want it to. You are ready to ring in 2018. What is it that you accomplished that made it an EXCELLENT YEAR? I like to say excellent instead of best year ever because I have the hope that you're only going to keep getting better and better. You're not going to top out at 2017. Are you still with me?  

What made 2017 an excellent year for you?!  Think and envision what habit changes and accomplishments would cause you to make a statement like that! Here are two ways I've found success, I hope they help you on your journey! 

1. Write down your goals, prayerfully!

I believe in the power of collaborating with God Almighty. If you're anything like me, you don't want to do anything without asking your Heavenly Father for his help. If we do anything that is outside of the will of God, our soul will never be satisfied. It's from the satisfaction we find in God that we can jump and dream BIG - AUDACIOUS- FAITH-FILLED GOALS, THAT TAKE, FAITH-FILLED RISK!  And it's from believing we are truly known and fully loved, that we can set aside our ego and create with heaven in mind, rather than for the approval of men. Only then do we find true purpose,  satisfaction and peace in our lives. Only then are we free to fail miserably on the journey to our goals and see the GREATNESS within us. What truly makes us successful is Jesus. We have value and worth no failure or success can take away!  

Back to goals, yes, writing them down INCREASES the probability of accomplishing them! Something happens that makes your brain resolve to do the things that you set yourself out to do. However, we don't want to make vague resolutions that die out in a week! We want to be a people of impeccable word, starting with ourselves.  When we prayerfully set a goal,  faith moves heaven and earth to help you accomplish what is in God's will for you! God wants to be a partner with you in this life. It doesn't have to be mundane and lackluster. This year can be filled with adventure for you if you will just believe and receive!  Write things that are specific, have a timeline it's incredible to see what God does with our vision and lives when we give him the opportunity! He does things ONLY HE can do, thus we get to know him better in our weakness! 

2.- You won't know how and that's okay! 

This one frustrated me to no end when I started on my journey to believing God for the call he placed in my heart. I wanted desperately to KNOW the plan. It's been two years of adventure for me, I STILL DON'T KNOW THE PLAN. But I do know this, GOD IS FAITHFUL. He has never let me go or given up on me. Even though I fail, he picks me back up, comforts me when I hurt and encourages me to KEEP GOING. 

He will do the same for you. No, it won't be easy. Yes, it will require everything you've got. Yes, you will have to go through trials and change like no other.But you will also experience highs you could have never imagined. Peace that surpasses ALL your understanding. Favor like no one's beeswax! Love unfailing.  I know that you would rather put in the work than let the best adventure of your life pass you by. Listen. God made you for a reason. He has a purpose for you, ONLY you can fulfill. You are needed. You are here to know your maker! Listen,  we need you to have an adventure with God so that we can fulfill our destiny as well. Don't you see, we need one-another. The world needs you to be afraid and do it anyway. 

I feel like that's all I've got for you, friend. Fortunately, I can't tell you how to live your life or succeed this year.  I don't have the "magic checklist" of how-to _________, I don't know how YOU specifically can blossom to all that you were born to be. But I do LOVE the source of all the desires in your heart and mine and from my personal experience, HE is worth the adventure. My heart rejoices in being on a journey with the GOD OF ALL CREATION. What a privilege it is to be loved, accepted and fully backed by Him! May you look back in a year's time and say to yourself. THIS.WAS.AN.EXCELLENT.YEAR! 



How To Deal With Change


Holiday Prep For The Soul | Part 2: emotional eating