Singing Christmas Music For Live Wire TV (Access Sacramento)

Singing Live at 5PM, December 6th, Comcast 17 

I was asked by a TV producer (and dear friend, Laureen) last week if I would sing on her Live Christmas special. I thought, "Laureen,  I don't know if you have the right person. There are so many other great singers out there. Why me?" And then I thought, "Well, why not me? God has called me to share my gifts even when it feels uncomfortable.  I get to depend on him and live my life for his glory. He has called me to believe him at his word that he has created us all with gifts and abilities to share! So I will sing today on Access Sacramento with confidence in who I am in God.  I am so grateful for this opportunity because getting to sing with the band that miraculously came together, has been one of the BEST experiences of my life!!

I thank God for setting me up through my amazing assistant, Jacquie with these three genius musicians. It's is my true honor and delight to introduce you to our band (well at least for today!) I have had the pleasure of rehearsing with them two times and we have our performance tonight at 5pm and I couldn't be more confident in who I'll share the stage with. Our band is great because of the sum of all its parts. I am so excited. Thank you to Tommy, Julian, and Josiah for giving of your time and talent (oooooodles and ooooodles of it) for the Christmas Special today. I believe God is going to do something very special through our music tonight. They say that music helps reach the soul in ways nothing else can. So here's to a great time and memories made!

Thank you Access Sacramento for having us! 

I tell you what. I am a walking billboard for hope for anyone out there who loves to do something yet feels a bit unqualified for it. My singing journey has been, well, a bit challenging but oh so rewarding! I've learned the lesson of resilience. I've learned to not quit. I've learned to accept my voice as my own. I've learned that I am enough. I've learned to be okay when I make mistakes. I've learned that some won't like my music and that's ok. I've learned that "practice and perseverance bring reward", Tortoise & The Haire, anyone? I have seen miracles through the love of God helping me to not worry about how I sound and focus on WHY I sing. 


I sing for the joy I feel. I sing to share the joy. I sing to the glory of God. I sing because it is fun. I sing so that my soul feels peace.



Good Day Sacramento Segment | My Favorite Christmas Treat (Oreo Balls)


My Birthday Celebration (Overcoming One Of The Worst Days Of My Life)