7 Ideas For Your Next Manicure + Clean Beauty Nail Products

8 Ideas For Your Next Manicure + Clean Beauty Nail Products

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Do you go to the salon and have a hard time picking your color? Sis! This post is for you! We have made some bad decisions at the nail salon, mmmmkay! And we have learned from it! I WANT you to feel confident to pick a color just for you!

Are you tired of gross and dull nails? Our latest blog post is here to rescue your manicure game! Discover the ultimate guide to how to decide on your nail color and give you 9 ideas for your next mani! From trendy nail art designs to innovative nail care tips, we've got you covered. Dive into our blog post to unveil the top clean nail polish brands, learn step-by-step nail shaping techniques, and explore the latest nail color trends for every season. With our expert advice, you'll be able to rock stunning manicures that will make heads turn. Don't miss out on this comprehensive resource – your nails deserve it!

My advice is to make your nail decision before the appointment. This helps you feel certain of your choice before getting bombarded by all the color choices! Here are some questions to think about before your next manicure! Ask yourself these questions before deciding on a color

  • What mood do you want to be in with your nails?

  • What am I doing for the next 2 weeks?

  • Do I need short nails or long nails?

  • Do I want a neutral color to support all of my outfits for the next two weeks or do I want to have an accent color on my nails?

  • What color looks best on my skin tone? Make sure you put those testers up to your skin so you can see if it fits you! Or do a trial coat on one nail before committing to a color.

My philosophy with my nails lately has been to keep them pretty neutral as I love that vibe, but you don’t have to! It’s your choice to make!


8 Ideas For Your Next Manicure + Clean Beauty Nail Products

For this manicure I asked for an ombre American manicure and it came out SOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOD. I loved the way she did the dip powder. This specific one would be a little challenging to do at home, but you can always try to do Funny bunny as the frenchpart and a very soft pink color on top! Try differnt things until you get your signature manicure! Leave us a coment letting us know what your favorite manicure color is right now! Give US some ideas!


8 Ideas For Your Next Manicure + Clean Beauty Nail Products

Trending nails have taken the fashion world by storm in 2023. From bold and vibrant colors to intricate nail art, this year's nail trends are so fun. I personally love the chrome nails they look so pretty!! I am also pretty in love with the almond shape! I have found my nails perform better when they aren’t square. This shape has really helped my nails get pretty and long!

For this dip manicure I asked for a white and chrome on top!


8 Ideas For Your Next Manicure + Clean Beauty Nail Products

Manicuring your nails is more than just a superficial act; it is an essential aspect of personal grooming that holds great importance. Well-manicured nails not only enhance your overall appearance, but also reflect your attention to detail and self-care. Neglected nails can give off an unprofessional or untidy impression, while neatly trimmed and groomed nails can convey a sense of confidence and professionalism. Regular manicuring not only keeps your nails looking beautiful, but it also promotes nail health. Trimming and shaping your nails prevent them from becoming brittle or prone to breakage, while regular cuticle care avoids painful hangnails and infections. Additionally, by experimenting with various nail colors and designs, manicuring your nails allows for creativity and personal expression. Overall, dedicating time to manicuring your nails is a worthwhile investment as it enhances your appearance, demonstrates self-care, promotes nail health, and enables personal expression.



To do a full manicure, start by removing any old nail polish with a non-acetone remover. Trim and shape your nails as desired using a nail clipper and file. Soak your hands in warm, soapy water for a few minutes to soften the cuticles. Gently push back the cuticles using a cuticle pusher, being careful not to damage the nail bed. Use a gentle scrub or exfoliator on your hands to remove dead skin cells and promote smoothness. Rinse your hands and pat them dry. Apply a moisturizing hand cream to hydrate your skin. Next, apply a base coat to protect your nails and allow them to dry. Choose your desired nail polish color and apply two coats, allowing each coat to dry completely. Finish by applying a glossy top coat to seal in the color and provide shine. Clean up any excess polish using an angled brush and nail polish remover. Give your nails a few minutes to dry, and voila! You now have a perfectly executed full manicure.


8 Ideas For Your Next Manicure + Clean Beauty Nail Products

For this manicure, I showed my Nail artist a Pintrest photo from my curated Nail inspo (which you can totally take with you to the salon as well!)

I wanted her to be inspired. I always make up my mind that it won’t look exactly on me as it did on the person who posted it. It gives me and the nail artist room for grace. All our fingers and art is different and we will never look the same. I encourage you to be kind to yourself and your nail tech!

This, hands down, has been one of my favorite nails colors I’ve ever done. I loved loved loved it, it went with ALL my outfits! And this almond shape was so pretty!! For this I just asked for a baby pink color. The lightest pink they had!


I pray this post was of value to you! If it was, send it to a nail loving friend. I’ll talk to you next week. God willing!


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