New Beauty In 2018 | Refresh Your Routine
Thank you to all these gorgeous brands for sending me these gifts of products! I am so grateful!
Hello beloved friends! It's been an amazing couple of weeks off and I am back in action! How are you? I hope you had some fun this Holiday season, even through the ups and downs of it all. My prayer for you is that you'd come out a better person no matter how you spent it; if you got the right presents or if you gained a few pounds, I hope that you know that right at this VERY moment you are enough. Everything is at it should be. You didn't miss out. And you are worthy of love and connection beyond what a commercialized season can deceive us at times. I hope that you know that right this moment you are who you are supposed to be and you are very loved, very precious and much needed in this world of ours.
Before you consider buying anything from here, consider this: You are beautiful in the sight of God just as you are. Nothing can take your beauty away. Not age or financial status. Not wrinkles or pimples. No discoloration or texture or hair in weird places. You are beautiful, period. And God loved you so much he gave his one and only son so you could ALWAYS see yourself as beautiful. I love that we have a Heavenly father that delights in us just as we are before we even brush our teeth or put on some moisturizer! And our hopes to be good enough sometimes launch us to think that we need of something to be beautiful. You ARE beautiful and you get to delight in the beauty placed within you no matter what the world sais about it. "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14"
These are all new beauty products that were gifted to me to test out for my segment on Good Day Sacramento. I wanted to get in on the latest and greatest products hitting the shelves in 2018 so I can share them with you. If you're in the market for something new in your regimen, I hope to be of service as I understand the overwhelm that can result from walking into a huge store wandering like a nut trying to figure out what is worth your money. Although I have not yet personally tested every single one of these items, I do love every brand on here personal due to a past relationship with one of their older products. If it's on here, it's because I love the brands I'm sharing with you!
I love you and it's with you in mind that I curate and create. Leave me a comment if you want, I'd LOVE to hear from you! I've missed you much!